Monday, September 26, 2011

It's Done, It's Done!

It's late, I should've been in bed an hour ago, but I was motivated to finally get my coat finished, and I had the energy. So that's what I did instead. It's finished - buttonholes and hand-stitched belt loops and all. The buttonholes were an adventure, let me tell you. I may have to get smaller buttons. We'll see.

I didn't take pictures yet. I'll save that for natural lighting. Until then, enjoy these 29 weeks belly shots!

1 comment:

  1. Dillon set up a Google account for me the other night so I can finally leave comments on your blog! I can't wait to see your finished coat and you are such a cute pregnant friend! Mariah is taking a sewing elective at school. She is almost done with a pair of pajama pants and I'm really happy she is taking the class.
